Kamis, 30 Mei 2019

Technology for Teaching Reading

Hello guys!
Here, I returned for a few months. I want to share with you about the activities that I have learned in the 4th semester of the TELL course. There are so many tools of the technology that can help us teach some learning material, especially in teaching reading such as Hot Potatoes. HotPotatoes is an offline application to make friends easier to make questions for students to teach reading skills.

There are 5 types of questions that friends can make.

1. If we want to make questions like multiple choices, we can use JQuiz. We can put the text there so that the question will change to the next question after answering the previous question.

2. JCloze used to make short answers in sentences like this

3.  JMatch, we can create tasks to match something, this is an example

4. JCross is to make crossword puzzles, yes this is an example

5. JMix is ​​to create tasks whose words are scrambled and students must arrange them. You can also have more than 1 correct answer if possible.

6. For the last, the masher is for combining all of the "j-" become one in exercises. but we have to keep the raw file of all of the "j-". so the masher can combine it using that raw file.
I think that all to teach reading. Thanks :-)

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